Which Standard do you provide for barcodes?
We provided with GS1 Global Standard to our customers.
What is GS1 Myanmar Country Prefix?
Our GS1 Myanmar Country Prefix (GCP) is “883”.
How many GTINs can we apply?
You can start apply from 10 GTINs to 10000 GTINs in GS1 Myanmar.
What is GTINs?
GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number. It is an identifier for trade items developed by GS1. GTIN comes with 8, 12, 13 and 14. We created GTIN-13 for our customers.
Which barcode shoud I use in retail?
For retail, you can use EAN-13 barcodes in GS1 Myanmar. In general distribution, can use ITF-14 and GS1-128.
For our customers
To assist users to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness for their business operations through the use of GS1 Standards

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